As an historical article, the districts and party affiliations listed reflect those during the 63rd Congress (March 4, 1911 – March 3, 1913). Seats and party affiliations on similar lists for other Congresses will be different for certain members.
This article describes the criteria for seniority in the House of Representatives and sets out the list of members by seniority. It is prepared on the basis of the interpretation of seniority applied to the House of Representatives in the 112th Congress. In the absence of information to the contrary, it is presumed that the twenty-first century practice is identical to the seniority customs used during the 62nd Congress.[1]
Seniority in the House, for Congressmen with unbroken service, depends on the date on which the members first term began. That date is either the start of the Congress (4 March in odd numbered years, for the era up to and including the 73rd Congress starting in 1933) or the date of a special election during the Congress. Since many members start serving on the same day as others, ranking between them is based on alphabetical order by the last name of the congressman.
Representatives who return to the House, after having previously served, are credited with service equal to one less than the total number of terms they served. When a representative has served a prior term of less than two terms (i.e., prior term minus one equals less than one), he is ranked above all others whose service begins on the same day.
Until 1910, House committee members and chairmen were selected by the Speaker, who also ranked the members of the committee. Seniority on the committee was just one of the factors that was taken into account in ranking the members. In the 61st Congress, Speaker Cannon (R-IL) had used his power to change committee assignments to demote and punish insurgent Republicans. In March 1910 the Speaker was stripped of his powers over the composition of standing committees.
As a result of the events of 1910, at the start of the 62nd Congress in 1911, the committee assignments were made by each party and then formally approved by the whole House. Each party controlled the committee ranking of its members, but usually this followed the order of seniority of members in terms of service on the committee. It became customary for members of a committee, in the previous congress, to be re-appointed at the start of the next.
A seniority rule was normally used to decide committee chairmen, similar to that which the Senate had usually followed since 1846. The chairman was likely to be the majority member of a committee, with the longest continuous service on it. However, party leadership was typically not associated with seniority.[2]
Out of the group of fifty two standing committee chairmen, at the start of this Congress, Nelson Polsby identified twenty five as the most senior member of the majority on the committee. In the other twenty seven cases, twenty one senior majority members were compensated for not being chairman of the committee (nine chaired another committee, two obtained leadership posts and ten received better committee assignments than in the previous Congress). Thus only in six instances was the seniority custom violated, without obvious compensation for the Congressman passed over.[3]
This list refers to the standing committees of the House in the 62nd Congress, the year of establishment as a standing committee (adoption of the name used in 1911), the number of members assigned to the committee and the corresponding committee in the 112th Congress. Because of consolidation of committees and changes of jurisdiction, it is not always possible to identify a clear successor panel. [4]
A numerical rank is assigned to each of the 391 members initially elected to the 62nd Congress. Other members, who joined the House during the Congress, are not assigned a number (apart from the Representatives from the two new states, admitted during the Congress, who are numbered 392-394). Two Representatives-elect were not sworn in; of whom one died and one resigned before the Congress started. The list below includes the Representatives-elect (with names in italics), with the seniority they would have held if they had been able to be sworn in.
Major party designations used in this article are D for Democratic members and R for Republican representatives. Other designations include Ind for Independent, Prog R for Progressive Republican and Soc for Socialist.
Rank |
Representative |
Party |
District |
Seniority date |
Notes |
Nineteen non-consecutive terms |
001 |
Joseph G. Cannon |
R |
IL-18 |
01893-03-04 March 4, 1893 |
Previously served 1873-91. Last term until 64th Congress |
Seventeen consecutive terms |
002 |
Henry H. Bingham |
R |
PA-1 |
01879-03-04 March 4, 1879 |
Dean of the House. Died March 22, 1912. |
Fourteen non-consecutive terms |
003 |
Sereno E. Payne |
R |
NY-31 |
01889-12-02 December 2, 1889 |
Previously served 1883-87 |
Thirteen consecutive terms |
004 |
John Dalzell |
R |
PA-30 |
01887-03-04 March 4, 1887 |
Last term |
Eleven consecutive terms |
005 |
William A. Jones |
D |
VA-1 |
01891-03-04 March 4, 1891 |
Chairman: Insular Affairs |
Ten consecutive terms |
006 |
Richard Bartholdt |
R |
MO-10 |
01893-03-04 March 4, 1893 |
007 |
Henry A. Cooper |
R |
WI-1 |
008 |
John J. Gardner |
R |
NJ-2 |
Last term |
009 |
Frederick H. Gillett |
R |
MA-2 |
010 |
Henry C. Loudenslager |
R |
NJ-1 |
Died August 12, 1911 |
011 |
Samuel W. McCall |
R |
MA-8 |
Last term |
Nine consecutive terms |
012 |
Charles L. Bartlett |
D |
GA-6 |
01895-03-04 March 4, 1895 |
013 |
George E. Foss |
R |
IL-10 |
Last term until 64th Cogress |
014 |
E. Stevens Henry |
R |
CT-1 |
Last term |
015 |
Ebenezer J. Hill |
R |
CT-4 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
016 |
Stephen M. Sparkman |
D |
FL-1 |
Chairman: Rivers and Harbors |
017 |
Cyrus A. Sulloway |
R |
NH-1 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
018 |
William Sulzer |
D |
NY-10 |
Chairman: Foreign Affairs. Resigned December 31, 1912. |
019 |
George W. Prince |
R |
IL-15 |
01895-12-02 December 2, 1895 |
Last term |
Nine non-consecutive terms |
020 |
James B. (Champ) Clark |
D |
MO-9 |
01897-03-04 March 4, 1897 |
Speaker of the House. Previously served 1893-95. |
021 |
Oscar W. Underwood |
D |
AL-9 |
Chairman: Ways and Means. Majority Leader.
Previously served 1895-June 9, 1896. |
Eight consecutive terms |
022 |
William C. Adamson |
D |
GA-4 |
01897-03-04 March 4, 1897 |
Chairman: Interstate and Foreign Commerce |
023 |
William G. Brantley |
D |
GA-11 |
Last term |
024 |
Robert F. Broussard |
D |
LA-3 |
025 |
Thomas S. Butler |
R |
PA-7 |
Ind R, 1897-99 |
026 |
Henry D. Clayton |
D |
AL-3 |
Chairman: Judiciary |
027 |
Edgar D. Crumpacker |
R |
IN-10 |
Last term |
028 |
James H. Davidson |
R |
WI-8 |
Last term until 65th Congress |
029 |
Edward L. Hamilton |
R |
MI-4 |
030 |
James Hay |
D |
VA-7 |
Chairman: Military Affairs |
031 |
Robert L. Henry |
D |
TX-11 |
Chairman: Rules |
032 |
John Lamb |
D |
VA-3 |
Chairman: Agriculture. Last term. |
033 |
James R. Mann |
R |
IL-2 |
Minority Leader |
034 |
John A. Moon |
D |
TN-3 |
Chairman: Post Office and Post Roads |
035 |
Marlin E. Olmsted |
R |
PA-18 |
Last term |
036 |
Thetus W. Sims |
D |
TN-8 |
Chairman: War Claims |
037 |
James L. Slayden |
D |
TX-14 |
038 |
Samuel W. Smith |
R |
MI-6 |
039 |
John H. Stephens |
D |
TX-13 |
Chairman: Indian Affairs |
040 |
Frederick C. Stevens |
R |
MN-4 |
041 |
George W. Taylor |
D |
AL-1 |
042 |
James T. Lloyd |
D |
MO-1 |
01897-06-01 June 1, 1897 |
Chairman: Accounts |
043 |
George P. Lawrence |
R |
MA-1 |
01897-11-02 November 2, 1897 |
Last term |
044 |
William S. Greene |
R |
MA-13 |
01898-05-31 May 31, 1898 |
Eight non-consecutive terms |
045 |
Frank W. Mondell |
R |
WY-al |
01899-03-04 March 4, 1899 |
Previously served 1895-97 |
Seven consecutive terms |
046 |
Albert S. Burleson |
D |
TX-10 |
01899-03-04 March 4, 1899 |
Democratic Caucus Chairman |
047 |
John L. Burnett |
D |
AL-7 |
Chairman: Immigration and Naturalization |
048 |
Michael E. Driscoll |
R |
NY-29 |
Last term |
049 |
John J. Esch |
R |
WI-7 |
050 |
David E. Finley |
D |
SC-5 |
051 |
John J. Fitzgerald |
D |
NY-7 |
Chairman: Appropriations |
052 |
Joseph W. Fordney |
R |
MI-8 |
053 |
Gilbert N. Haugen |
R |
IA-4 |
054 |
James C. Needham |
R |
CA-6 |
Last term |
055 |
Ernest W. Roberts |
R |
MA-7 |
056 |
William W. Rucker |
D |
MO-2 |
Chairman: Election of President, Vice President and Representatives |
057 |
John H. Small |
D |
NC-1 |
058 |
Joseph E. Ransdell |
D |
LA-5 |
01899-08-29 August 29, 1899 |
Last term |
059 |
Dorsey W. Shackleford |
D |
MO-8 |
060 |
Edward B. Vreeland |
R |
NY-37 |
01899-11-07 November 7, 1899 |
Last term |
061 |
William N. Richardson |
D |
AL-8 |
01900-08-06 August 6, 1900 |
Chairman: Pensions |
062 |
Walter I. Smith |
R |
IA-9 |
01900-12-03 December 3, 1900 |
Resigned as Representative-elect, to become a U.S. Circuit Judge |
Six consecutive terms |
063 |
Arthur L. Bates |
R |
PA-25 |
01901-03-04 March 4, 1901 |
Last term |
064 |
George F. Burgess |
D |
TX-9 |
065 |
Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr. |
D |
MS-1 |
066 |
Frank D. Currier |
R |
NH-2 |
Republican Conference Chairman. Last term. |
067 |
William H. Draper |
D |
NY-22 |
Last term |
068 |
Henry D. Flood |
D |
VA-10 |
Chairman: Territories (1911–13). Chairman: Foreign Affairs (1913). [5] |
069 |
David J. Foster |
R |
VT-1 |
Died March 21, 1912 |
070 |
Henry M. Goldfogle |
D |
NY-9 |
Chairman: Elections No. 3 |
071 |
James A. Hughes |
R |
WV-5 |
072 |
Joseph T. Johnson |
D |
SC-4 |
073 |
Claude Kitchin |
D |
NC-2 |
074 |
George H. Lindsay |
D |
NY-2 |
Last term |
075 |
Lemuel P. Padgett |
D |
TN-7 |
Chairman: Naval Affairs |
076 |
Edward W. Pou |
D |
NC-4 |
Chairman: Claims |
077 |
Choice B. Randell |
D |
TX-4 |
Last term |
078 |
Asbury F. Lever |
D |
SC-7 |
01901-11-05 November 5, 1901 |
Chairman: Education |
079 |
John W. Dwight |
R |
NY-30 |
01902-11-04 November 4, 1902 |
Minority Whip. Last term. |
080 |
Augustus P. Gardner |
R |
MA-6 |
081 |
Carter Glass |
D |
VA-6 |
082 |
Morris Sheppard |
D |
TX-1 |
01902-11-15 November 15, 1902 |
Resigned to become US Senator: February 3, 1913 |
Six non-consecutive terms |
083 |
Charles H. Burke |
R |
SD-2 |
01909-03-04 March 4, 1909 |
Previously served 1899–1907 |
084 |
Julius Kahn |
R |
CA-4 |
01905-03-04 March 4, 1905 |
Previously served 1899–1903 |
085 |
William A. Rodenberg |
R |
IL-22 |
01903-03-04 March 4, 1903 |
Previously served 1899-1901. Last term until 64th Congress. |
086 |
J. Frederick Talbott |
D |
MD-2 |
01909-03-04 March 4, 1909 |
Previously served 1879-85 and 1893-95 |
087 |
Eben W. Martin |
R |
SD-3 |
01908-11-03 November 3, 1908 |
Previously served 1901-07 |
Five consecutive terms |
088 |
Wyatt Aiken |
D |
SC-3 |
01903-03-04 March 4, 1903 |
089 |
Butler Ames |
R |
MA-5 |
Last term |
090 |
James A. Beall |
D |
TX-5 |
Chairman: Expenditures in the Justice Department |
091 |
Thomas W. Bradley |
R |
NY-20 |
Last term |
092 |
Philip P. Campbell |
R |
KS-3 |
093 |
Charles R. Davis |
R |
MN-3 |
094 |
Charles E. Fuller |
R |
IL-12 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
095 |
John N. Garner |
D |
TX-15 |
096 |
Alexander W. Gregg |
D |
TX-7 |
097 |
Thomas W. Hardwick |
D |
GA-10 |
Chairman: Coinage, Weights and Measures |
098 |
Joseph Howell |
R |
UT-al |
099 |
William E. Humphrey |
R |
WA-1 |
100 |
Benjamin G. Humphreys |
D |
MS-3 |
Chairman: Territories (1913) |
101 |
Ollie M. James |
D |
KY-1 |
Last term |
102 |
Moses P. Kinkaid |
R |
NE-6 |
103 |
Daniel F. Lafean |
R |
PA-20 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
104 |
George S. Legaré |
D |
SC-1 |
Died 31 January, 1913 |
105 |
Nicholas Longworth |
R |
OH-1 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
106 |
George A. Loud |
R |
MI-10 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
107 |
Robert B. Macon |
D |
AR-1 |
Last term |
108 |
George D. McCreary |
R |
PA-6 |
Last term |
109 |
Henry McMorran |
R |
MI-7 |
Last term |
110 |
George W. Norris |
R |
NE-5 |
Last term |
111 |
Robert N. Page |
D |
NC-7 |
112 |
Arsène P. Pujo |
D |
LA-7 |
Chairman: Banking and Currency. Last term. |
113 |
Henry T. Rainey |
D |
IL-20 |
114 |
Joseph T. Robinson |
D |
AR-6 |
Chairman: Public Lands. Resigned, to become Governor:
January 14, 1913. |
115 |
J. Swagar Sherley |
D |
KY-5 |
116 |
William R. Smith |
D |
TX-16 |
Chairman: Irrigation of Arid Lands |
117 |
Augustus O. Stanley |
D |
KY-2 |
118 |
Halvor Steenerson |
R |
MN-9 |
119 |
John A. Sterling |
R |
IL-17 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
120 |
Andrew J. Volstead |
R |
MN-7 |
121 |
Edwin Y. Webb |
D |
NC-9 |
122 |
William W. Wilson |
R |
IL-3 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
123 |
H. Olin Young |
R |
MI-12 |
124 |
Victor Murdock |
R |
KS-8 |
01903-05-26 May 26, 1903 |
125 |
Reuben O. Moon |
R |
PA-4 |
01903-11-03 November 3, 1903 |
Last term |
126 |
J. Thomas Heflin |
D |
AL-5 |
01904-05-19 May 19, 1904 |
Chairman: Industrial Arts and Expositions |
127 |
Joseph R. Knowland |
R |
CA-3 |
01904-11-08 November 8, 1904 |
128 |
Ira W. Wood |
R |
NJ-4 |
Last term |
Five non-consecutive terms |
129 |
Daniel J. Riordan |
D |
NY-8 |
01906-11-06 November 6, 1906 |
Previously served 1899–1901 |
Four consecutive terms |
130 |
John E. Andrus |
R |
NY-19 |
01905-03-04 March 4, 1905 |
Last term |
131 |
Andrew J. Barchfeld |
R |
PA-32 |
132 |
Thomas M. Bell |
D |
GA-9 |
133 |
James F. Burke |
R |
PA-31 |
134 |
William M. Calder |
R |
NY-6 |
135 |
Frank Clark |
D |
FL-2 |
136 |
Lincoln Dixon |
D |
IN-4 |
137 |
J. Edwin Ellerbe |
D |
SC-6 |
Last term |
138 |
John C. Floyd |
D |
AR-3 |
139 |
Finis J. Garrett |
D |
TN-9 |
140 |
Everis A. Hayes |
R |
CA-5 |
141 |
William C. Houston |
D |
TN-5 |
Chairman: Census |
142 |
Elbert H. Hubbard |
R |
IA-11 |
Died June 4, 1912 |
143 |
Gordon Lee |
D |
GA-7 |
144 |
Martin B. Madden |
R |
IL-1 |
145 |
William B. McKinley |
R |
IL-19 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
146 |
Sylvester C. Smith |
R |
CA-8 |
Died January 26, 1913 |
147 |
Edward L. Taylor, Jr. |
R |
OH-12 |
Last term |
148 |
John T. Watkins |
D |
LA-4 |
Chairman: Revision of Laws |
149 |
John W. Weeks |
R |
MA-12 |
150 |
John M. Moore |
D |
TX-8 |
01905-06-06 June 6, 1905 |
Last term |
151 |
Edwin W. Higgins |
R |
CT-3 |
01905-10-02 October 2, 1905 |
Last term |
152 |
James McKinney |
R |
IL-14 |
01905-11-07 November 7, 1905 |
Last term |
153 |
John M. Nelson |
R |
WI-2 |
01906-09-04 September 4, 1906 |
154 |
J. Hampton Moore |
R |
PA-3 |
01906-11-06 November 6, 1906 |
155 |
Edward W. Saunders |
D |
VA-5 |
Four non-consecutive terms |
156 |
Burton L. French |
R |
ID-al |
01911-03-04 March 4, 1911 |
Previously served 1903-09 |
157 |
Courtney W. Hamlin |
D |
MO-7 |
01907-03-04 March 4, 1907 |
Previously served 1903-05.
Chairman: Expenditures in the State Department |
158 |
Francis B. Harrison |
D |
NY-16 |
Previously served 1903-05 |
159 |
William Hughes |
D |
NJ-6 |
Previously served 1903-05. Resigned September 27, 1912. |
160 |
Isaac R. Sherwood |
D |
OH-9 |
Previously served (R) 1873-75. Chairman: Invalid Pensions. |
161 |
Frank E. Wilson |
D |
NY-4 |
01911-03-04 March 4, 1911 |
Previously served 1899–1905 |
162 |
Charles F. Booher |
D |
MO-4 |
01907-03-04 March 4, 1907 |
Previously served February 19-March 3, 1889 |
Three consecutive terms |
163 |
John A. M. Adair |
D |
IN-8 |
01907-03-04 March 4, 1907 |
164 |
Joshua W. Alexander |
D |
MO-3 |
Chairman: Merchant Marine and Fisheries |
165 |
Timothy T. Ansberry |
D |
OH-5 |
Chairman: Elections No. 1 |
166 |
William A. Ashbrook |
D |
OH-17 |
Chairman: Expenditures in the Post Office Department |
167 |
William J. Cary |
R |
WI-4 |
168 |
William E. Cox |
D |
IN-3 |
Chairman: Expenditures in the Treasury Department |
169 |
William B. Cravens |
D |
AR-4 |
Last term until 73rd Congress |
170 |
Matthew R. Denver |
D |
OH-6 |
Last term |
171 |
Charles G. Edwards |
D |
GA-1 |
172 |
George W. Fairchild |
R |
NY-24 |
173 |
Benjamin K. Focht |
R |
PA-17 |
Last term until 64th Congress |
174 |
Charles V. Fornes |
D |
NY-11 |
Last term |
175 |
Martin D. Foster |
D |
IL-23 |
Chairman: Mines and Mining |
176 |
Hannibal L. Godwin |
D |
NC-6 |
Chairman: Reform in the Civil Service |
177 |
George W. Gordon |
D |
TN-10 |
Died August 9, 1911. |
178 |
James A. Hamill |
D |
NJ-10 |
Chairman: Elections No. 2 |
179 |
Winfield S. Hammond |
D |
MN-2 |
180 |
Rufus Hardy |
D |
TX-6 |
Chairman: Expenditures in the Navy Department |
181 |
Willis C. Hawley |
R |
OR-1 |
182 |
Harvey Helm |
D |
KY-8 |
Chairman: Expenditures in the War Department |
183 |
L. Paul Howland |
R |
OH-20 |
Last term |
184 |
Richmond P. Hobson |
D |
AL-6 |
185 |
Cordell Hull |
D |
TN-4 |
186 |
Ben Johnson |
D |
KY-4 |
Chairman: District of Columbia |
187 |
Charles A. Kennedy |
R |
IA-1 |
188 |
John W. Langley |
R |
KY-10 |
189 |
Charles A. Lindbergh |
R |
MN-6 |
190 |
Edmond H. Madison |
R |
KS-7 |
Died September 18, 1911 |
191 |
George R. Malby |
R |
NY-26 |
Died July 5, 1912 |
192 |
James T. McDermott |
D |
IL-4 |
193 |
John G. McHenry |
D |
PA-16 |
Died December 27, 1912 |
194 |
James C. McLaughlin |
R |
MI-9 |
195 |
Elmer A. Morse |
R |
WI-10 |
Last term |
196 |
Frank M. Nye |
R |
MN-5 |
Last term |
197 |
Andrew J. Peters |
D |
MA-11 |
198 |
Charles N. Pray |
R |
MT-al |
Last term |
199 |
George W. Rauch |
D |
IN-11 |
200 |
John H. Rothermel |
D |
PA-13 |
Chairman: Expenditures in the Commerce and Labor Department |
201 |
Adolph J. Sabath |
D |
IL-5 |
202 |
William B. Wilson |
D |
PA-15 |
Chairman: Labor. Last term. |
203 |
Daniel R. Anthony, Jr. |
R |
KS-1 |
01907-05-23 May 23, 1907 |
204 |
Charles C. Carlin |
D |
VA-8 |
01907-11-05 November 5, 1907 |
205 |
Joel Cook |
R |
PA-2 |
Died as Representative-elect December 15, 1910 |
206 |
Charles D. Carter |
D |
OK-4 |
01907-11-16 November 16, 1907 |
207 |
Scott Ferris |
D |
OK-5 |
Chairman: Public Lands (1913) |
208 |
Bird S. McGuire |
R |
OK-1 |
Previously served as Delegate 1903-07 |
209 |
C. Bascom Slemp |
R |
VA-9 |
01907-12-17 December 17, 1907 |
210 |
Napoleon B. Thistlewood |
R |
IL-25 |
01908-02-15 February 15, 1908 |
Last term |
211 |
Henry A. Barnhart |
D |
IN-13 |
01908-11-03 November 3, 1908 |
212 |
Albert Estopinal |
D |
LA-1 |
213 |
Frank E. Guernsey |
R |
ME-4 |
Three non-consecutive terms |
214 |
James M. Gudger, Jr. |
D |
NC-10 |
01911-03-04 March 4, 1911 |
Previously 1903-07 |
Two consecutive terms |
215 |
Carl C. Anderson |
D |
OH-13 |
01909-03-04 March 4, 1909 |
Died October 1, 1912 |
216 |
Richard W. Austin |
R |
TN-2 |
217 |
John W. Boehne |
D |
IN-1 |
Last term |
218 |
William P. Borland |
D |
MO-5 |
219 |
Joseph W. Byrns |
D |
TN-6 |
220 |
J. Campbell Cantrill |
D |
KY-7 |
221 |
Cyrus Cline |
D |
IN-12 |
Chairman: Expenditures on Public Buildings |
222 |
James W. Collier |
D |
MS-8 |
223 |
Michael F. Conry |
D |
NY-12 |
224 |
James H. Covington |
D |
MD-1 |
225 |
James M. Cox |
D |
OH-3 |
Resigned to become Governor: January 12, 1913 |
226 |
William A. Cullop |
D |
IN-2 |
227 |
S. Hubert Dent, Jr. |
D |
AL-2 |
228 |
William A. Dickson |
D |
MS-7 |
Last term |
229 |
Martin Dies |
D |
TX-2 |
230 |
Francis H. Dodds |
R |
MI-11 |
Last term |
231 |
Daniel A. Driscoll |
D |
NY-35 |
232 |
Thomas Gallagher |
D |
IL-8 |
233 |
James W. Good |
R |
IA-5 |
234 |
James M. Graham |
D |
IL-21 |
Chairman: Expenditures in the Interior Department |
235 |
William W. Griest |
R |
PA-9 |
236 |
Louis B. Hanna |
R |
ND-1 |
Resigned to become Governor: January 12, 1913 |
237 |
William H. Heald |
R |
DE-al |
Last term |
238 |
Dudley M. Hughes |
D |
GA-3 |
239 |
Nathan E. Kendall |
R |
IA-6 |
Last term |
240 |
Eugene F. Kinkead |
D |
NJ-9 |
241 |
Arthur W. Kopp |
R |
WI-3 |
Last term |
242 |
Charles A. Korbly |
D |
IN-7 |
Chairman: Railways and Canals |
243 |
Jonathan N. Langham |
R |
PA-27 |
244 |
James P. Latta |
R |
NE-3 |
Died September 11, 1911 |
245 |
Irvine L. Lenroot |
R |
WI-11 |
246 |
John A. Maguire |
D |
NE-1 |
247 |
John A. Martin |
D |
CO-2 |
Last term until 73rd Congress |
248 |
Dannitte H. Mays |
D |
FL-3 |
Last term |
249 |
Clarence B. Miller |
R |
MN-8 |
250 |
Dick T. Morgan |
R |
OK-2 |
251 |
Martin A. Morrison |
D |
IN-9 |
252 |
Ralph W. Moss |
D |
IN-5 |
Chairman: Expenditures in the Agriculture Department |
253 |
William A. Oldfield |
D |
AR-2 |
Chairman: Patents |
254 |
A. Mitchell Palmer |
D |
PA-26 |
255 |
Charles E. Pickett |
R |
IA-3 |
Last term |
256 |
Frank Plumley |
R |
VT-2 |
257 |
Atterson W. Rucker |
D |
CO-1 |
Last term |
258 |
William G. Sharp |
D |
OH-14 |
259 |
James S. Simmons |
R |
NY-34 |
Last term |
260 |
Thomas U. Sisson |
D |
MS-4 |
261 |
Edward T. Taylor |
D |
CO-al |
262 |
Robert Y. Thomas, Jr. |
D |
KY-3 |
263 |
John Q. Tilson |
R |
CT-al |
Last term until 64th Congress |
264 |
Robert C. Wickliffe |
D |
LA-6 |
Died June 11, 1912 |
265 |
Frank P. Woods |
R |
IA-10 |
266 |
Clement C. Dickinson |
D |
MO-6 |
01910-02-01 February 1, 1910 |
267 |
Seaborn A. Roddenberry |
D |
GA-2 |
01910-02-06 February 6, 1910 |
268 |
Robert Turnbull |
D |
VA-4 |
01910-03-08 March 8, 1910 |
Last term |
269 |
H. Garland Dupré |
D |
LA-2 |
01910-11-08 November 8, 1910 |
Two non-consecutive terms |
270 |
Jefferson M. Levy |
D |
NY-13 |
01911-03-04 March 4, 1911 |
Previously served 1899–1901 |
271 |
Joseph J. Russell |
D |
MO-14 |
Previously served 1907-09 |
272 |
James S. Davenport |
D |
OK-3 |
Previously served November 16, 1907-09 |
One term |
273 |
Theron Akin |
R |
NY-25 |
01911-03-04 March 4, 1911 |
Only term |
274 |
Alfred G. Allen |
D |
OH-2 |
275 |
Sydney Anderson |
R |
MN-1 |
276 |
Steven B. Ayres |
Ind D |
NY-18 |
Independent Democratic. Only term. |
277 |
Elsworth R. Bathrick |
D |
OH-19 |
278 |
Victor L. Berger |
Soc |
WI-5 |
Only term until 66th Congress |
279 |
Fred L. Blackmon |
D |
AL-4 |
280 |
Charles C. Bowman |
R |
PA-11 |
Only term. Seat declared vacant December 12, 1912. |
281 |
William G. Brown, Jr. |
D |
WV-2 |
282 |
Frank Buchanan |
D |
IL-7 |
283 |
Robert J. Bulkley |
D |
OH-21 |
284 |
Michael E. Burke |
D |
WI-6 |
285 |
James F. Byrnes |
D |
SC-2 |
286 |
Oscar Callaway |
D |
TX-12 |
287 |
Theron E. Catlin |
R |
MO-11 |
Unseated, after election challenge: August 12, 1912. Only term. |
288 |
Horatio C. Claypool |
D |
OH-11 |
289 |
Richard E. Connell |
D |
NY-21 |
Died October 30, 1912 |
290 |
Ira C. Copley |
R |
IL-11 |
291 |
Thomas S. Crago |
R |
PA-23 |
Only term until 64th Congress |
292 |
James M. Curley |
D |
MA-10 |
293 |
Henry G. Danforth |
R |
NY-32 |
294 |
James A. Daugherty |
D |
MO-15 |
Only term |
295 |
John W. Davis |
D |
WV-1 |
296 |
Henry S. De Forest |
R |
NY-23 |
Only term |
297 |
Robert E. Difenderfer |
D |
PA-8 |
298 |
Michael Donohoe |
D |
PA-5 |
299 |
Frank E. Doremus |
D |
MI-1 |
300 |
Robert L. Doughton |
D |
NC-8 |
301 |
Leonidas C. Dyer |
R |
MO-12 |
302 |
Lynden Evans |
D |
IL-9 |
Only term |
303 |
John M. Faison |
D |
NC-3 |
304 |
John R. Farr |
R |
PA-10 |
305 |
William J. Fields |
D |
KY-9 |
306 |
H. Robert Fowler |
D |
IL-24 |
307 |
William B. Francis |
D |
OH-16 |
308 |
Henry George, Jr. |
D |
NY-17 |
309 |
J. Henry Goeke |
D |
OH-4 |
310 |
William S. Goodwin |
D |
AR-7 |
311 |
Samuel W. Gould |
D |
ME-3 |
Only term |
312 |
Finly H. Gray |
D |
IN-6 |
313 |
Curtis H. Gregg |
D |
PA-22 |
Only term |
314 |
John M. Hamilton |
D |
WV-4 |
Only term |
315 |
Robert O. Harris |
R |
MA-14 |
Only term |
316 |
Pat Harrison |
D |
MS-6 |
317 |
Jesse l. Hartman |
R |
PA-19 |
Only term |
318 |
Henry T. Helgesen |
R |
ND-al |
319 |
Walter L. Hensley |
D |
MO-13 |
320 |
Asher C. Hinds |
R |
ME-1 |
321 |
Edward E. Holland |
D |
VA-2 |
322 |
William S. Howard |
D |
GA-5 |
323 |
Fred S. Jackson |
R |
KS-4 |
Only term |
324 |
Henderson M. Jacoway |
D |
AR-5 |
325 |
William Kent [6] |
Prog R |
CA-2 |
326 |
John J. Kindred |
D |
NY-14 |
Only term until 67th Congress |
327 |
George W. Kipp |
R |
PA-14 |
Died July 24, 1911 |
328 |
George Konig |
D |
MD-3 |
329 |
Thomas F. Konop |
D |
WI-9 |
330 |
Walter Lafferty |
R |
OR-2 |
331 |
William L. La Follette |
R |
WA-3 |
332 |
Robert E. Lee |
D |
PA-12 |
Chairman: Mileage |
333 |
David J. Lewis |
D |
MD-6 |
334 |
J. Charles Linthicum |
D |
MD-4 |
335 |
Adam B. Littlepage |
D |
WV-3 |
Only term until 64th Congress |
336 |
Martin W. Littleton |
D |
NY-1 |
Only term |
337 |
Charles O. Lobeck |
D |
NE-2 |
338 |
James P. Maher |
D |
NY-3 |
339 |
Charles Matthews |
R |
PA-24 |
Only term |
340 |
Walter I. McCoy |
D |
NJ-8 |
341 |
Daniel J. McGillicuddy |
D |
ME-2 |
342 |
John C. McKenzie |
R |
IL-13 |
343 |
Alexander C. Mitchell |
R |
KS-2 |
Died July 7, 1911 |
344 |
Luther W. Mott |
R |
NY-28 |
345 |
William F. Murray |
D |
MA-9 |
346 |
George F. O'Shaunessy |
D |
RI-1 |
347 |
Thomas Parran, Sr. |
R |
MD-5 |
Only term |
348 |
Thomas G. Patten |
D |
NY-15 |
349 |
Charles E. Patton |
R |
PA-21 |
350 |
Irvin S. Pepper |
D |
IA-2 |
351 |
Stephen G. Porter |
R |
PA-29 |
352 |
James D. Post |
D |
OH-7 |
353 |
Caleb Powers |
R |
KY-11 |
354 |
Solomon F. Prouty |
R |
IA-7 |
355 |
John E. Raker |
D |
CA-1 |
356 |
William C. Redfield |
D |
NY-5 |
Only term |
357 |
Rollin R. Rees |
R |
KS-5 |
Only term |
358 |
Thomas L. Reilly |
D |
CT-3 |
359 |
Edwin E. Roberts |
R |
NV-al |
360 |
Arthur B. Rouse |
D |
KY-6 |
361 |
Thomas L. Rubey |
D |
MO-16 |
362 |
Thomas J. Scully |
D |
NJ-3 |
363 |
Sam R. Sells |
R |
TN-1 |
364 |
Charles H. Sloan |
R |
NE-4 |
365 |
Charles B. Smith |
D |
NY-36 |
[7] |
366 |
John M. C. Smith |
R |
MI-3 |
367 |
Peter M. Speer |
R |
PA-28 |
Only term |
368 |
Edmund J. Stack |
D |
IL-6 |
Only term |
369 |
Charles M. Stedman |
D |
NC-5 |
370 |
Hubert D. Stephens |
D |
MS-2 |
371 |
William I. Stephens |
R |
CA-7 |
372 |
Claude U. Stone |
D |
IL-16 |
373 |
Edwin F. Sweet |
D |
MI-5 |
Only term |
374 |
Robert M. Switzer |
R |
OH-10 |
375 |
Charles A. Talcott |
D |
NY-27 |
376 |
John A. Thayer |
D |
MA-3 |
Only term |
377 |
Horace M. Towner |
R |
IA-8 |
378 |
Edward W. Townsend |
D |
NJ-7 |
379 |
Samuel J. Tribble |
D |
GA-8 |
380 |
William E. Tuttle, Jr. |
D |
NJ-5 |
381 |
Edwin S. Underhill |
D |
NY-33 |
382 |
George H. Utter |
R |
RI-2 |
Died November 3, 1912 |
383 |
Stanton Warburton |
R |
WA-2 |
Only term |
384 |
William Wedemeyer |
R |
MI-2 |
Died January 2, 1913 |
385 |
John J. Whitacre |
D |
OH-18 |
386 |
George White |
D |
OH-15 |
387 |
William H. Wilder |
R |
MA-4 |
388 |
Frank B. Willis |
R |
OH-8 |
389 |
Samuel A. Witherspoon |
D |
MS-5 |
390 |
Isaac D. Young |
R |
KS-6 |
Only term |
391 |
James Young |
D |
TX-3 |
Members joining the House, after the start of the Congress |
William S. Reyburn |
R |
PA-2 |
01911-05-23 May 23, 1911 |
Special election. Only term. |
William R. Green |
R |
IA-9 |
01911-06-05 June 5, 1911 |
Special election |
William D. B. Ainey |
R |
PA-14 |
01911-11-07 November 7, 1911 |
William J. Browning |
R |
NJ-1 |
Kenneth McKellar |
D |
TN-10 |
Dan V. Stephens |
D |
NE-3 |
Joseph Taggart |
D |
KS-2 |
392 |
George Curry |
R |
NM-al |
01912-01-08 January 8, 1912 |
Representative from new state. Only term. |
393 |
Harvey B. Fergusson |
D |
NM-al |
Previously served as Delegate 1897-99.
Representative from new state. |
George A. Neeley |
D |
KS-7 |
01912-01-09 January 9, 1912 |
Special election |
394 |
Carl T. Hayden |
D |
AZ-al |
01912-02-19 February 19, 1912 |
Representative from new state |
William S. Vare |
R |
PA-1 |
01912-05-24 May 24, 1912 |
Special election |
Frank L. Greene |
R |
VT-1 |
01912-07-30 July 30, 1912 |
Patrick F. Gill |
D |
MO-11 |
01912-08-12 August 12, 1912 |
Previously served 1909-11. Seated, after election challenge:
August 12, 1912. Last term. |
Archibald C. Hart |
D |
NJ-6 |
01912-11-05 November 5, 1912 |
Special election |
Edwin A. Merritt |
R |
NY-26 |
Lewis L. Morgan |
D |
LA-6 |
George C. Scott |
R |
IA-11 |
Samuel M. Taylor |
D |
AR-6 |
01913-01-15 January 15, 1913 |
Non voting members |
Jonah K. Kalaniana'ole |
R |
HI-al |
01903-03-04 March 4, 1903 |
Territorial Delegate |
William Henry Andrews |
R |
NM-al |
01905-03-04 March 4, 1905 |
Territorial Delegate until state admitted: January 7, 1912 |
Benito Legarda y Tuason |
Ind |
PI-al |
01907-11-22 November 22, 1907 |
Resident Commissioner |
Ralph Henry Cameron |
R |
AZ-al |
01909-03-04 March 4, 1909 |
Territorial Delegate until state admitted: February 18, 1912 |
James Wickersham |
R |
AK-al |
Territorial Delegate |
Manuel L. Quezón |
N |
PI-al |
01909-11-23 November 23, 1909 |
Resident Commissioner. Nationalist Party (PI). |
Luis Muñoz Rivera |
U |
PR-al |
01911-03-04 March 4, 1911 |
Resident Commissioner. Unionist Party (PR). |